Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Last weekend started off the 2009 garden season for us as an adventure in the greenhouse with our newest tool- a soil blocker. This amazing little gadget is going to cut down on our plastic use (something we are trying to consciously to cut back on) and will be a lot healthier for the plants and our soil in the long run. We planted all of our early crop including cabbages, kale, leeks, broccoli, shallots, and even some comfrey. We are hoping to use the comfrey as part of our natural worming for the goats this summer. Caleb also started about 18 Sugar Maple seeds. With the warm weather that spurred us into spring like activites Caleb also planted some garlic and comfrey in the ground that our neighbor shared with us.
We are hoping to finalize our chicken order this next week- planning to get more meat chickens and some laying hens. Huxley is still requesting ducks so it looks like we may have a few of those running around this summer too. And Caleb is still daydreaming about a milk cow while I await the arrival of our next batch of goat kids so that I can start milking.
I have been catching up on my reading while laying Roland down for naps and ran across a simple yet amazing idea- think of the difference we all could make if every single person in the US bought 10 dollars worth of local foods a week. Think how much less fuel that would consume as well as the support it would give the local economy. Just a thought...
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