Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Mama's Musings

Well, it has been a while since our last notes from the farm. Fall has come upon us and with it many activities here on the farm. In mid-September we received our second batch of chickens ( 100 Cornish Crosses). They seem to be doing well- growing like weeds. Infact, they have almost out grown the brooder in the barn and will soon be heading out to pasture. Our garden had a rough go of it this summer with all the rain but we have managed to put up some food and have had a lot of luck with our fall garden- which is a change- usually it is too dry for anything to really flourish. It has been so wet here- we even got flooded in when rements of Ike passed over Missouri!
This last weekend was our 3rd Annual Art Celebration here on the farm and it was wonderful. The crafts were spectacular and as you can see by the pictures the farm had a true artistic flair for the weekend. I am already daydreaming about next year.
Caleb has found a new passion- mushrooms- both wild and cultivated so we are thinking of creating a niche in our farm for mushroom growing and selling. I have spent a lot of time at the stove lately frying up different types of fungi.
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