Friday, August 8, 2008

Mama's Musings

Woke at dawn this morning to butcher more chickens. It went fairly smooth and luckily the weather cooperated- it was nice and cool ( or at least cool enough). We have been focusing on butchering the roosters so that we can add the last 30 or so hens to our small group of chickens by the house and get some eggs. Huxley and I live off farm fresh eggs- which thankfully we can get from our neighbor right now- but ones from our own backyard sound even better. It is such a strange feeling to walk out to the free range coop and only see a handful ( about 35) of the chickens left. I must admit it is sort of sad- too quiet. We are seriously thinking of raising another batch before November- if we can find freezer room- there is so much chicken I am having a hard time finding room for my garden goodies I like to freeze every year.
Speaking of the garden- WE HAVE RED TOMATOES-I picked a whole basket full for dinner tonight- Hooray! Huxley loves it as his favorite past time in late summer is grazing on tomatoes in the garden. We have dived into canning the past week or so. Just added 14 more jars of potatoes to the cellar yesterday and hoping to put more green beans up tomorrow. Also, working on getting the fall garden in...we have never been very good at getting one in but I am bound and determined this year to eat greens from our garden until the first frost. Hope your harvest season is feeling as fulfilling...

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