Monday, March 3, 2008

It Felt Like Spring...

What a weekend...the weather was amazing- up into the 70's! We spent the entire time outside. Things have really started to pick up here on the farm. We have 16 goat kids that were born within the last month. We have spent plenty of time just watching them grow and play with eachother...they are very entertaining. Two of our milk goats gave birth and with that came the chance for Alisen to begin milking again. Hoping for our first batch of goat cheese by this weekend-YUM!


Unknown said...

I am ready for spring. Today with the water so high, I think I will have plenty of opportunity to get spring cleaning under way! The goat kids picture is so cute! Your page is wonderfully done and looks really nice. Have we had the last frost yet? Good luck to ya'll and any help ya'll need just let us know! When is your big trip? Talk later-- much love-- Brandi

Patti said...

Howdy folks. Hope the water is staying down for ya. This looks really good like you could start a magazine. Great job Caleb and Alisen. I hopefully will see you this weekend.